
புத்தகங்களும் ஆசிரியர்களும் (Books and Authors)

Caesar and Cleopatra: George Bernard Shaw
Can India Grow Without Bharat : Shankar Acharya
Cancer Ward: Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Candida: George Bernard Shaw
Candide: Voltaire
Candle in the Wind: Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Canvas of Life : Sheila Gujral
Caravans: James A. Michener
Carnage By Angels: Y P. Singh
CBK : Graeme Wilson
Cell: Stephen King
Centennial: James lvIichener
Chaitali : R. N. Tagore
Chakori : Chandrasekhar Kamba
Chance: Joseph Conrad
Chandalika : Rabindranath Tagore
Charisma & Cannon–Essays on the Religious History of Subcontinent: Vasudha Dalmia, Angelika Malinar and Marcin Christ
Chemmeen : Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai
Chikaveera Rajendra : Masci Venkatesh Iyengar
Child and Law in India: K. Chandru, Geeta Ramaseshan and Chandra Thanikachalam
Child Who Never Grew: Pearl S. Buck
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: George Byron
Childhood: Maxim Gorky
Children and Human Rights: S. K. Pachuri
Children in Globalising India– Challenging Our Conscience: Enkashi Ganguly Thukral
Children of Gebelawi : Naquib Mahfouz
Children of the Sun: Maxim Gorky
China, the World and India: Mira Sinha Bhattacharjee
China's Watergate: Leo Goodstadt
China–Past and Present: Pearl S. Buck
Chinese Betrayal: B. N. Mullick
Chithirappaavai : P. V. Akilandam
Chithrangada: R. N. Tagore
Chitra: Rabindranath Tagore
Choma's Drum: K. Shivaram Karanth
Christabel : Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Christmas Tales: Charles Dickens
Chronicle of a Death Foretold: Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Circle of Reason: Amitav Ghosh
City of Joy: Dominique Lapierre
City of Saints: Sir Richard Burton
City of the Yellow Devil: Maxim Gorky
Clear Light of Day: Anita Desai
Climate of Treason: Andrew Boyle
Clockwork Orange: Anthony Burgess
Cold Street: Paul Carson
Colonel Sun: Kingsley Amis
Comedy of Errors: William Shakespeare
Common Sense: Thomas Paine
Communalism-Handled with a Difference: Daniel Steel
Communist Manifesto: Karl Marx
Comus : John Milton
Confessions: J. J. Rousseau
Confessions of a Lover: Mulk Raj Anand
Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Confessions of a Swadeshi Reformer–My Years as Finance Minister :Yashwant Sinha
Confrontation with Pakistan: Gen. B. M. Kaul
Conquest of Happiness: Bertrand Russell
Conquest of Self: M. K. Gandhi
Considerations on Representative Government: John Stuart Mill
Continent of Circe: Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms & Development: Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee
Count Your Chickens Before They Hatch: Arindam Chaudhuri
Court Dancer: Rabindranath Tagore
Courts and Their Judgements: Arun Shourie
Coverly Papers: Joseph Addison
Creation: Gore Vidal
Crescent Moon: Rabindranath Tagore
Crescent Over Kashmir: Anil Maheshwari
Cricket on the Hearth: Charles Dickens
Crime & Money Laundering: Jyoti Trehan
Crime and Punishment: Fyodor M. Dostoevsky
Crisis into Chaos :E.M.S. Narnboodiripad
Critical Mass: William E. Burrows
Crossing the River: Caryl Phillips
Crossing the Rubicon : C. Raja Mohan
Crossing the Threshold of Hope: Pope John Paul II
Cry, My Beloved Country: Alan Paton
Cuckold: Kiran Nagar Kar
Culture and Anarchy: Matthew Arnold
Culture in the Vanity Bag: Nirad C. Chaudhuri
Curtain Raisers: K. Natwar Singh

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