
அறிவியலில் பயன்படுத்தும் கருவிகள் (Instruments used in science)

·         Altimeter–An instrument used for measuring altitudes in aircraft.
·         Ammeter–An instrument for measuring electric currents in amperes.
·         Anemometer–An instrument for measuring the force and velocity of wind.
·         Audiometer–An instrument for measuring the intensity of sound.
·         Audiophone–An instrument for improving imperfect sense of hearing.
·         Barometer–An apparatus used for measuring the atmospheric pressure.
·         Calorimeter–An instrument used for measuring quantities of heat.
·         Carburettor–An apparatus used in an internal combustion engine for charging air with petrol vapour.
·         Cardiograph–A medical instrument for tracing heart movements.
·         Chronometer–An instrument kept on board ships for measuring accurate time.
·         Crescograph–It is used for measuring growth in plants.
·         Dynamo–The origin of electricity in a dynamo is the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy.
·         Galvanometer–An instrument for measuring electric currents of small magnitude.
·         Hydrometer–An instrument used for measuring the specific gravity of liquids.
·         Hydrophone–An instrument for recording sound under water.
·         Hygrometer–An instrument for measuring humidity in air.
·         Lactometer–An Instrument for measuring the relative density of milk.
·         Manometer–An instrument for measuring the pressure of a gases.
·         Mariner's compass–An apparatus used by sailors to know the direction. The needle always points north-south.
·         Microphone–An instrument used for converting sound waves into electrical vibrations and to magnify the sound.
·         Microscope–An instrument used for magnifying minute objects by a lens system.
·         Odometer–An instrument by which the distance covered by wheeled vehicles is measured.
·         Phonograph–An instrument for reproducing sound.
·         Photometer–It is an instrument for measuring the intensity of light; a device for comparing the luminous intensity of sources of light.
·         Polarimeter–An instrument used for measuring optical activity.
·         Pyrometer–An instrument for recording high temperatures from a great distance.
·         Radar–It is an abbreviated form of Radio, Angle, Direction and Range. It is used for detecting the direction and range of an approaching plane by means of radio microwaves.
·         Rain Gauge–An apparatus for recording rainfall at a particular place.
·         Radiometer–An instrument for measuring the emission of radiant energy.
·         Refractometer–An instrument to measure refractive indexes.
·         Seismometer or Seismograph–An instrument for recording earthquake shocks.
·         Sextant–An instrument used for measuring the altitude of the sun and other heavenly bodies.
·         Spectrometer–An instrument for measuring the energy distribution of a particular type of radiation.
·         Speedometer–An instrument which indicates the speed at which a vehicle is moving.
·         Spherometer–An instrument for measuring curvature of surfaces.

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